Classes, Lectures, and Events: Ongoing | Upcoming
Sunday Meditation Services with Various Guests
Sundays, 11:00 a.m. – 12 noon Feb. 2 & 16 March 2 & 16
Suggested Love Offering, $5
Lifestream Studio
All are welcome to this informal hour of meditation facilitated by Various Guests. Enjoy a time of fellowship and sharing afterwards. A Love Offering to benefit Lifestream is taken.
Middle Eastern Dance
with Johonna Gamble
Lifestream Studio, Investment $50 for 8 weeks
Drop-ins are welcome at $10 per class
Level I Mondays, Feb. 3 – Mar. 24, 7:30-9 pm
Level II & III Mondays, Feb. 3 – Mar. 24, 5:45-7:15 pm
Johonna Gamble has been dancing Middle Eastern Style or Belly dance for over 10 years. Come reap the benefits of this dance form that focuses on controlled, fluid movements of the body with emphasis on the torso and abdomen. Please note that each class includes instruction not only in dance technique and veil work, but also includes two line dances and a dance routine using the methods learned in class.
Requirements for classes are: wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. Level I, a 3-yard veil by the fourth class. Level II & III, a set of finger cymbals and a 3-yard veil. A hip scarf/belt will make hip articulation more easily identified but is not required.
with Rae West
Second Mondays monthly
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Investment: $50 session
(All proceeds benefit Lifestream)
Lifestream welcomes Rae West of Rae West Massage Therapies for Shiatsu sessions by appointment. Rae is donating all proceeds to benefit Lifestream. Rae is a Certified Graduate of the Potomac Massage Training Institute. She is also a Certified Acupressure Massage Technician. She regularly teaches at the Daniels School of Massage.
Shiatsu is a form of Oriental Medicine where finger, palm, elbow or knee massage is applied along meridian lines on the body, together with gentle manipulations and stretches. Shiatsu improves the flow of energy around the body helping prevent and to treat disease and disability. Call Lifestream 344-3031 to make an appointment.
Tai Chi/Movement Program
with Lieven Verkruisen CMA, ACST, RMT & E Lifestream Studio
• Enjoy Functional Movement in Welcome to Tai Chi • Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 • Wednesday, 9:30-10:30 a.m.
• Experience Effortless Movement in Welcome to Tai Chi II • Tuesday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. • Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 p.m. • Friday, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Drop-ins are welcome at $10 per class. Punch cards are available for $45 (5 classes); $80 (10 classes). One Intro/Overview class is $20. In all classes, emphasis is placed on breathing control, relaxation and alignment-in-movement. All participants exercise within their limit to their own capacity. There is no competition or pain involved.
Experience the Tarot
with Willow Duir
Tuesdays by Appointment/Walk-Ins Welcom
e By Appointment 344-3031
The Tarot is an ancient art that has been used for centuries to help those seeking a different avenue of insight for their lives. Whether you are seeking advice on a specific life issue or if you are just curious as to what it is all about, a consultation using the Tarot may open up new ways of thought.
Willow Duir comes with 10 years of experience using this unique tool. She is available for walk-in readings on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 pm, or you can call 344-3031 or 562-2490 for an appointment. The suggested donation for a half-hour reading is $30.
Prana Vayu Breathwork
Tuesdays at 6-6:45 p.m.
Donation $5
Students of Swami Santiananda (Andrea Fisher) are welcome. Please enter in silence, arrive on time, and depart in silence.
A.I.C. Meditation Group
Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m./Studio
AHAM Meditation Retreat Center’s local Association in Consciousness Meditation Group is now meeting weekly at Lifestream on Tuesdays. Pre-requisite for attending as a guest on the first Tuesdays monthly is participation in the Introductory to Power of Awareness Seminar offered monthly at Lifestream on Saturdays, Feb. 8 and March 8, from 1 to 4 p.m. or The Power of Awareness teleconference phone call. For more information and to reserve a space, call Lifestream or John Shelor, 982-2838.
Reiki Practice Get-Together
with Reiki Master Joanie Schweizer
Wednesdays 7-9 p.m. Lifestream Studio
Love offering to benefit Lifestream
Join Reiki Master Joanie Schweizer and other Reiki I & II students for these practice sessions held weekly on Wednesdays. Everyone is invited to participate in a Reiki healing service on the last Wednesday monthly with this group.
with Robin Murphy, ND
Thursdays, 5:30-7 p.m.
Join Robin Murphy, ND, for this on-going series of Tibetan Qigong classes. Lifestream welcomes this highly revered teacher who studied with Tibetan Qigong master Liu Siong. In Tibetan Qigong, students perform various graceful, rhythmic movements to draw cosmic energy for cleansing and invigorating, rendering the body constantly youthful. The primary aim of Qigong is to prevent and cure disease while promoting longevity. Call Lifestream to register for this on-going class. $10 drop-ins are welcome. Punch cards are available for $45 (5 classes) or $80 (10 classes).
Dr. Murphy is teaching a 7-Day Tibetan Qigong Retreat around the Summer Solstice in the beautiful, peaceful setting of the spa town of Bath, England. For more information, you can contact Dr. Murphy at 540-953-0037.
Qi Medicine Lecture
with Robin Murphy, ND
Friday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m.
Free – Donations Accepted
Qi Astrology Lecture
with Robin Murphy, ND
Friday, March 7, 7 p.m.
Free – Donations Accepted
You are invited to hear Robin Murphy, ND, of The Lotus Medical Center at Lifestream, lecture on Qi Medicine on Friday, Feb. 7 and Qi Astrology on Friday, March 7.
Meditation & Reiki Healing Circle
with Reiki Master Teachers Samuel and Anita
Thursdays, 7:30 p.m.
Free – Donations Accepted
Come and experience the energy. Bring a friend or meet a friend. Reiki can reduce stress, balance the energies in the body, strengthen your immune system, help you focus, relieve pain, support personal growth, and relax you. For more information, please call Samuel and Anita at the The Loving Touch Center at (540) 482-0805.
Sue Wallace, Body Mechanic
Feb. 20-24 and March 24-28
Body Scanning, Zapping & Psychic Healings — Call or stop by Lifestream. Daily 1-5 p.m. at the above dates. • Scans $10 • Psychic Healings $50 • Zapping $125. Please refer to Sue’s tips on the Practitioner’s page.
Power of Awareness Introductory Seminar
Presented by the AHAM Meditation & Retreat Center of Asheboro, NC
Saturdays, Feb. 8 & March 8, 1-4 p.m.
Suggested Donation $20
Discover and experience your own inherent Power of Awareness. Learn how you can live and direct your life from this still Œbalance point” within you. Learn how to use your power of awareness to bring about natural, easy completion and fulfillment in all areas of your life. Experience a simple and effective way to eliminate upset and stress, and remain centered in all circumstances. Discover the “Seven Basic Truths.” Reservations are required, and all attendees are asked to be on time and remain for the entire program. For reservations, call Lifestream 344-3031 or John Shelor 982-2838.
Man & The Universe Seminar
with Dawn Overstreet
Two Saturdays, Feb. 15, 1:30-5 p.m March 15, 10 am-12 noon
Investment: $26 each
This seminar is the Big Picture of a soul’s spiritual life and how we can be more successful on planet earth if we know how to balance both the spiritual and physical natures that we are.
It is the spirit that unites us. It is our commitment that brings more harmony and training to those we love and care about. With self-understanding we can change the way we see, feel, know, and act towards ourselves, our loved ones, our business opportunities, and build the communities and world in which we choose to live.
Course 690 – Guardian Angels My Source of Inspiration
with Dawn Overstreet Saturday, March 15, 10 a.m.-12 noon Investment: $45
Learn why teamwork between you and your guidance is so important. All successful people work with their guidance. They may call it something else, but their success is based on paying attention. This course presents many keys in working effectively with your spiritual helpers; what to do and what not to do in relation to the Universal Laws they work with. You gain a solid inner confidence as you learn to relax more working with your guidance and letting them inspire you.
February-March 2003